(845) 597-4804 [email protected]

Filmworks 109 is partnering with Film Albany to bring you a Fall Fling this November 12th.

This Fall Fling will be hosted November 12th 5:30-7 at the Filmworks 109 Studio and will be a great networking event for local people that work in the video production world.

For those who attend they will be able to hear about the latest film projects in the area.  Along with this attendees will get a tour of the Filmworks 109 studio and get to see behind the scenes of how we work and what we do.

To reserve a spot follow this eventbrite link to get your ticket.  Each ticket is $5.
For directions click this link: https://goo.gl/maps/1QHPfZDn5z12

Both the team at Filmworks 109 and Film Albany hopes to see you there and hear more about the projects you’ve been working on.

See you November 12th!


Film Albany & Filmworks 109 Fall Fling Poster


Eventbrite Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/film-albanyfilmworks-109-fall-fling-tickets-18958921645