(845) 597-4804 [email protected]

Greater Capital Association of Realtors Trade Show

The other day we had a awesome day at the Greater Capital Association of Realtors (GCAR) trade show which was Saratoga City Center.  We had the opportunity to meet some great new people from the Real Estate Industry, PR and even the Saratoga Chamber of Commerce.

The Greater Capital Association of Realtors is a professional trade association which provides its members value through programs and services, promotes cooperation and ethics among its members and supports public property rights.  With these values in mind this is why the guys at Filmworks 109 wanted to be a part of their Trade Show. In the past we also had the opportunity to do some work for GCAR.  We had worked on a couple projects that have included videos for Trustco and Edgeco.

Preparation for the Greater Capital Association of Realtors Trade show started the week before when we started building our booth.  As you can see we decided to incorporate in some of our previous work along with some of the clients we have worked with in the past.



We showcased a teaser Real Estate Video that our Editor Chris Conti had made along with some products from local companies that we’ve worked with.  We’d like to thank RAD Soap, Tierra Farms and Harvest Spirits for supplying us with some products to give out.

During the trade show we decided to take it to the next step and had a giveaway.  We had local Realtors give us their Business Cards and one lucky Realtor would win a free 60 Second Real Estate Video.


We’d like to congratulate Joyce Brown from Realty USA who won our giveaway at the GCAR Trade Show.  We’re looking forward to working with Joyce Brown and can’t wait to give her a final product.

We would also like you to check out the Real Estate Video that we debuted at the GCAR trade show that Chris Conti put together. We hope to see you around and feel free to contact us with any questions about the work we do with Real Estate Video.