(845) 597-4804 [email protected]

Yet again we are getting to team up with Ann Marie Lizzi of Majestic Media.  In the past we’ve had the chance to work with her and the American Cancer Society and on a variety of other projects including some for Fingerpaint Marketing. This time we will be working with the American Heart Association.

Working with Ann Marie and Majestic media has always been great.  She brings an energy to our shoots that is unique and makes everything memorable. Whether it be interviews or a promotional video that we are working on she always comes with a big smile and a big heart.


majestic media majestic media


In the past we’ve gotten to work with some great people on these projects so we will be looking forward to this upcoming project with Ann Marie.  It’s always a great experience when we get to learn about people and what brought them to this point in their life.   Not only this but getting to be a part of their story is always inspirational.

Check out some behind the scenes photos from one of the last times we worked with Ann Marie and Majestic Media.  While you’re at it keep an eye out for some upcoming work that we will be doing with her and the American Heart Society. If you happen to be on Facebook you’ll be able to see some updates from her or even our team while we are out shooting.

See you next time.
